Landed in JFK!

Landed in JFK safely and it snowed! Since I bought my domestic plane ticket separately from the group flight, I had to wait at the baggage carousel to pick them up and recheck them in. I opened my passport to show to the lady at the counter and I was surprised when an envelope fell out of it! Nearly made me cry on the spot (I’m super sentimental)!

Security took nearly an hour to navigate at JFK, but once I got to my terminal, everything was fine. I managed to chat with a few IFSA-Butler students there while scarfing down the first real meal I ate all day. Everyone was buzzing with stress, exhaustion, and excitement and the terminal and once we got on the flight, there was no going back!

The journey to London itself was very pleasant, since I was seated next to very personable American students who were also part of my study abroad program. We spent our time chatting over the new season of Sherlock, the amazing service provided by Virgin Atlantic, and the fact that we could order alcohol when flying over international waters (woohoo!).

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