Arriving in London and a Start to the IFSA-Butler Orientation

After a 5-hour flight from LAX to JFK, a 3-hour layover, a 1-hour delay, and a 6-hour flight, I finally arrived in LONDON! [Math: 15 hours of travel time!]

My group flight from JFK was delayed an hour so we arrived a little later than expected at London Heathrow Airport. Representatives from the IFSA-Butler met the 65 of us outside the baggage claim and shuttled us to the St. Giles Hotel for our three-day orientation.


Most of us were placed in double rooms throughout the hotel. It wasn’t until later that I realized there were over 100 students staying for the three-day orientation in London! Luckily, I did not have a roommate for the first night, so I did not really have to worry about the limited space for the time being.

That day, I attempted to get my phone all sorted out but instead of being productive, I passed out for a few hours until dinner.

My uneventful lunch that day. Never knew anyone could not get pizza right... the Brits.

My uneventful lunch that day. Never knew anyone could get pizza to taste wrong… the Brits.

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