Feeding Swans and Ducks on Strelecky Ostrov Island

Later this afternoon, Annalisa and I are catching a flight back to London, officially ending our Spring Break European Adventure. We thought back of our favorite places to revisit in the city and Strelecky Ostrov Island was on the top of the list.


Feeding the Ducks

Our hostel provides a free ham and cheese sandwich everyday to guests and since it was our last day in the city, I knew I did not feel like eating my sandwich in favor for hot food. Might as well feed my sandwich to some willing ducks!

Feeding Ducks 1

There they come!

Nom Nom Nom

Nom Nom Nom

I Made a Swan Friend

Today, I made a new friend with a swan! I named him Frederick! I was first feeding a few ducks and when he saw me, he actually paddled from all the way across the river to have some ham and cheese sandwich!

Feeding Swan 1

He spots the ducks eating my sandwich!

Feeding Swan 4


Feeding Swan 3

Ahh! He’s close!

Feeding Swan 2

Frederick is kinda scary big. I didn’t really think swans as intimidating birds… but they are.

He basically ate my entire sandwich.

The Strelecky Ostrov Island Park

Aside from feeding the birds, the park is gorgeous and a great place to have a nice walk with river views. I am glad I got to spend the morning here, but now it’s time to head back to the city…

Park 1

Random Sighting!

We found Noah from The Notebook! He's there rowing in the blue boat!

We found Noah from The Notebook! He’s there rowing in the blue boat!

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