Finally Arrived in Berlin!

We woke up again early in the morning to catch our short flight from Brussels to Berlin!

Easy Jet to Berlin

Our early morning one-hour Easy Jet flight from Brussels to Berlin!

After short stays in Amsterdam and Brussels, Annalisa and I are now slowing down in Berlin for the next four days.

Train to Berlin

Train to Berlin

Note: Like Brussels, Berlin in a primarily CASH city, which means most establishments don’t accept credit cards as payment.

First Views of the City

We are staying near Alexanderplatz on the East side of the city. It is in a very great location for young tourists and these are just a few of the sights we passed on our way to our hostel.

Berlin TV Tower 2

The Berlin TV Tower in Alexanderplatz

The Famous Walking Sign of Berlin!

The Famous Walking Sign of Berlin! AKA Ampelmannchen

Interesting message

Interesting message on the sidewalk

City Stay Hostel

Annalisa found the City Stay Hostel on HostelWorld. So far, every hostel we booked from that website was very good and clean! People who leave reviews are fairly accurate and like our previous hostels, this one was a mixed dorm accommodation, which means men and women share a room. I thought it might be awkward, but honestly from my brief experience traveling, it just reinforced the stereotype that men snore and are more smelly that women.

City Stay Hostel

We brought locks with us for the lockers provided, yet I am always surprised at the level of trust travelers have with their roommates. I would always lock everything up for your own protection, but so far, not everyone feels the same. Once we secured our belongings, Annalisa and I went out to explore the city!