Lunch at Mums Great Comfort Food in Edinburgh

After an incredibly long afternoon exploring the city, we decided to grab some Scottish grub at Mums Great Comfort Food. Just as the sign says, the restaurant serves good Scottish home-cooked meals in a fun retro 50’s diner. And just putting it out there, I had some of the best food I EVER HAD HERE!

Mums Great Comfort Food 1

Mums Great Comfort Food 2

Mums Great Comfort Food Menu

Irn Bru Vanilla Float

When in Scotland, everyone has to try their national fountain drink: Irn Bru. This drink is apparently banned to sell commercially in the US, since its orange food coloring is not FDA approved (which is nonsense since we use a ton of crazier artificial colors). While the taste of Irn Bru is very distinct, the best way I can describe it is a fruity carbonated drink similar to Cactus Cooler mixed with Gatorade in the US. It tastes better than it sounds and I can understand why people really like it here!

Mums Great Comfort Food 5

Irn Bru Float and Yours Truly.

Mums Sausage and Mash

The restaurant’s best-selling dish is their Mums Sausage and Mash where you can choose from a variety of mash, gravy, and fresh sausages for your meal. The three of us all ordered something different from their sausage and mash menu and it is incredible of the number of options available!

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Mums Great Comfort Food 7

Classic Brown Gravy, Tomato and Thyme Gravy (v), and Caramelized Onion Gravy

Mums Great Comfort Food 8

Cheese and Onion Mash with Three Gravy Sauces and Two Sausages of the Day

I went for the Cheese and Onion Mash with Two Sausages of the Day. Since there were three of us, we got one of each possible gravy to share for the table. I think we all agreed that the Tomato Thyme gravy was one of the best sauces to pair with the mash and sausage. It was like pouring a thick marinara sauce, which works surprisingly well! I think this is exactly what we needed after walking around the city all day.

Treacle and Date Pudding (Harry Potter’s favorite dessert)


“On their last evening, Mrs. Weasley conjured up a sumptuous dinner that included all of Harry’s favorite things, ending with a mouthwatering treacle pudding
– Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets page 65

Mums Great Comfort Food 9

Hot Treacle and Date Pudding served with Ice Cream

I have read about treacle pudding but never had anything like this until now… I don’t know where this has been all my life! Treacle pudding is typically a sponge cake topped with a drizzle of hot treacle (molasses, hot golden syrup). While this does not sound incredibly unique or spectacular, Mums adds mashed dates to their sponge cake giving it a rich smooth texture similar to decadent chocolate cake. And their treacle sauce tastes like warm caramelized creme brulee (YUM)! Words cannot describe how much we all loved this treacle pudding.

I think we literally licked the plate clean. It. was. that. good.

Banana Split Ice Cream Sundae

This banana split could not beat the treacle pudding, but it was still very yummy.

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Just a standard Banana Split Sundae

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Photo-worthy Treacle Pudding

Overall, Mums is an amazing place to sample traditional British and Scottish foods. We spent a lot of time exploring the history and attractions of Edinburgh and it was nice to still dine in a culturally relevant restaurant. The price was great for our budget and we all know that we will come back again for the treacle pudding before we leave!

To this day, I still think of the treacle pudding I had here… You can’t get anything like it back in the States…

Taking a Walking Tour Around Edinburgh

Right after a magical breakfast at the Elephant House, Anjali, Asya and I headed over to the Royal Mile to start our free 3-hour walking tour of Edinburgh! This tour is hosted through Sandeman, a very well-known tour group that hosts guided tours in almost every city imaginable in Europe. The tour guides are sustained by tips and donations and since most of them are locals or dedicated ex-pats, you know you are really getting an amazing inside look of their hometown! I would still recommend keeping some money on your person since these tour guides really go out of their way to make your time memorable.

Just look for the red umbrella!

Just look for the red umbrella!

Although the tour lasts 3 hours, it is basically an introduction to Edinburgh. Many of the places we saw on the tour are on our list to visit during our stay in the city. Edinburgh is a fairly small town divided into Old Town and New Town, but our tour mainly focuses on the features and attractions in Old Town.

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A Magical Breakfast at the Elephant House: J.K. Rowling’s Literary Scottish Hideaway

When in Edinburgh, all book-lovers flock to the infamous Elephant House to sit and dine where J.K. Rowling wrote the entire first book of the Harry Potter series, The Philosopher’s Stone. As book worms ourselves, we knew we had to go there too!

The Elephant House 1

Located in the heart of Edinburgh, it is not a surprise that this is a popular haunt for local artists and writers!

The Elephant House 2

This is the main back dining room where J.K. Rowling spent many afternoons penning the Harry Potter series with her young daughter.

The Elephant House 3

A few of the cafe’s many elephant figurines.

From the vantage point of the back dining room, it is easy to see how J.K. Rowling became inspired by the magical town of Edinburgh. Just out of the window, you can see the medieval cemetery where it is believed many character’s names from the book series were inspired (Tom Riddle, McGonagall, Severus, Crookshanks, etc.). Past the cemetery are endless winding streets and alleys lined with old stone homes similar to the fictional Godric’s Hollow and Hogsmeade. Edinburgh is simply whimsical!

What I Ordered

See the Elephant House menu here.

The Elephant House 4

A morning cup of coffee complete with an Elephant House brochure.

An English Breakfast

An English Breakfast

The Elephant House 7b

Asya and I at the Elephant House

The Elephant House 6


The Elephant House is fairly inexpensive, but it is still slightly overpriced for what you get since it is a huge tourist attraction for travelers visiting the city. I did not mind at all and honestly, I am always content as long as I get a proper breakfast!

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Dinner “Under the Stairs” in Edinburgh

For our first meal in the city, we decided to Yelp it and ended up choosing Under the Stairs in Edinburgh. No surprise! After 15 minutes walking around the block, we literally found the restaurant down a flight of stairs from street level.

Under the Stairs 1

And down we go…

Under the Stairs is a small cozy gastropub in the heart of the bustling part of Edinburgh (we are only a block away from J.K. Rowling’s old stomping grounds). The menu is small but the locals rave about its unique fusion Scottish cuisine and other cuisines from around the world.

Under the Stairs 2

Short and simple menu at “Under the Stairs”

What We Ordered

Starter Course

We arrived extremely hungry and tired after a long train commute for London. While we were waiting, we ordered amazingly delicious pita strips with dipping sides. I never knew there were so many ways to flavor hummus!

Under the Stairs 3

Pita Strips with Dip: Indian spiced red onion hummus, sweet red pepper & sun dried tomato, and goat cheese with chives & pomegranate seeds

Under the Stairs 4

Main Course

Although there were so many other items on the menu, the three of us all ordered the roasted pork with mashed potatoes and dripping. The description sounded so good, we knew we had to have it!

Under the Stairs 5

Three in a row.

Under the Stairs 6

The pork was cooked perfectly tender while leaving the skin crispy and crunchy.

Although the pork was amazing, next time I would choose a burger. I kept eyeing what people were ordering and the burgers looked simply enormous and delicious! I would definitely return for more food and fancy drinks! Until then, onward bound!

Made it to the Argyle Backpackers Hostel!

Anjali booked our weekend in Edinburgh at Argyle Backpackers Hostel. The hostel is just a 10 minute walk away from Old Town and was perfect for our tight budget! For a 4-person room for three people to ourselves, I don’t think we paid more than £15 per night!

Argyle 1

It’s smack in the middle of a residential neighborhood so it was a little tricky to spot from the street.

While I do not have a lot of photos of our stay here, I really enjoyed grabbing some complimentary tea and lounging in the enclosed sun parlor. We met a few other travelers, played around with the instruments left behind from years before, and caught up on the World Cup before heading out into the city. Although it was one of the most mom-and-pop places I have ever stayed in, I absolutely enjoyed my time there and would highly recommend!

Taking the Train from Kings Cross to Edinburgh

For my last weekend in the UK, I joined my friend Anjali and her friend Asya on a three-day trip to Edinburgh, Scotland! We left via Kings Cross Station in London, which is something I always wanted to do (Harry Potter dream come true)!

Kings Cross 3

There is an actual “Hogwarts Express” train that can take you on a scenic trip around the UK while enjoying views from the movie, however we chose the faster and cheaper option. Although we did not run through the barrier, we did walk across Kings Cross and hopped onto Platform 1 to start our journey North!

On the Way to Edinburgh

For the 5+ hour journey to Edinburgh, I curled up with George R.R. Martin’s A Clash of Kings while sipping my iced coffee I snuck onto the train. The main reason I put off traveling to Scotland for so long is since tickets can go as high as £100+ for a single train ride there! This time around, my ticket was still pricey, but at least manageable. A general rule of thumb is that the sooner you plan your tickets, the cheaper they will be!

Train Ride 1

Lunchtime: Pret sandwich, banana, and Starbucks coffee

Train Ride 2

It can go from sunny…

Train Ride 3

… to cloudy in an instant!

Train Ride 4

But at least we do get an excellent ocean view along the coast.

Train Ride 5

The train passes over an aqueduct reminiscent of the Harry Potter movies

Train Ride 6

After a 5-hour journey, we finally made it to Edinburrrrrrgh!

We made it to Edinburgh just in time for dinner!

More Macarons at Pierre Hermé in Galeries Lafayette

Mikayla told me that another great place for macarons is at Pierre Hermé! There are many locations around Paris, but when I was window shopping at Galeries Lafayette, I got some there! To me, the main difference between Ladurée and Pierre Hermé is that Pierre Hermé is more fun with its flavors. They offer at least double of the varieties than Ladurée and experiment with more interesting flavors like Olive Oil, Jasmine, Orange & Carrot, etc.

Pierre Herme Macaroons 1

Pierre Herme Macaroons 2

What I Ordered

My favorite flavor is Pistachio, so I took that to-go so I could eat it immediately. And dang, that was good!

My favorite flavor is Pistachio, so I took that to-go so I could eat it immediately. And dang, that was good!

I brought my box from Pierre Herme back home with me to London and did not ope it until later.

I brought my box from Pierre Herme back home with me to London and did not open it until later. Some cookies were a little battered from the trip, but they were still good!

Pierre Herme Macaroons 4

Clockwise: Milena (menthe fraiche & fruits rouges), Celeste (fruit de la Passion, Rhubarbe & Fraises), Montebello (pistache & compote de Framboises), Huile d’Olive & Vanille (Huile d’Olive, Fruite Vert, Vanille & eclats d’Olives Vertes), Ispahan (Rose, Letchi & Framboise), and mystery seasonal fruit flavor!

I never thought I would say this, but Pierre Hermé is better than Ladurée. THERE. I said it! These flavors a little stronger and more elegant than those I would remember from Ladurée. That’s why I would prefer these. I think both are still good, but I had more fun with Pierre Hermé macarons.

An Amélie-Inspired Lunch at Cafe de Deux Moulins in Montmartre

A few weeks ago, I came to Montmartre with my parents, however we were not able to get a table at Cafe de Deux Moulins. Today, I came back to fulfill my little Amélie movie dreams!

Amelie Lunch 1

This time around, there was no line out the door. Actually, it was at 50% capacity at around 1PM on a Sunday afternoon at around the peak of tourist season! I got lucky!

Amelie Lunch 2

Amelie Lunch 3

They offer an “Amelie Afternoon Snack” that includes coffee, hot chocolate, or tea with Creme Brulee

The bar sans the cigarette counter

The bar sans the cigarette counter 

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What I Ordered

They do not have an extensive menu, but I went for a two course meal for €15. I ordered the veal and sauteed sweet peas and an after-meal dessert of creme brulee! I truly enjoyed my little afternoon in Montmartre and I extremely enjoyed my meal in such an iconic spot for movie lovers!

Amelie Lunch 7

Sauteed sweet peas with mushrooms and veal with cheese and topped with bacon. This meal exceeded all expectations! I was preparing for a mediocre lunch at a tourist trap, but the veal was tender and soft as butter and I couldn’t have been happier with the service!

Amelie Lunch 8

Again for emphasis!

Amelie Lunch 9

And of course, you have to order Creme Brulee!

Amelie Lunch 10

And yes, I cracked the Creme Brulee all over before eating it!

This is probably one of the most enjoyable things I have done on my own in Paris! I knew this is where I wanted to go for a very long time and to have finally satisfied my curiosity and fulfilled my move-lover dreams is a wonderful treat!

Bought a Book at Shakespeare and Company Bookstore

I visited Shakespeare and Company a few weeks ago, but when I arrived in Paris for the second time, I could not resist visiting this bookshop again!

Shakespeare and Company 1

After a little visit to Notre Dame Cathedral again, I walked right here!

I did not bother to sneak photos of the shelves this time, but I was intent on walking out with a book! Season four of HBO’s Game of Thrones is in full swing around the world and it got me in the mood to continue reading the book series! After reading my own copy of the first book, I knew at some point I would buy A Clash of Kings. Since I was here, might as well by it at Shakespeare and Company!

Shakespeare and Company 2

After purchasing my book, I had a nice breakfast at Paul over George R.R. Martin’s A Clash of Kings.

Shakespeare and Company 3

All books purchased at Shakespeare and Company receives a special signature stamp!

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I also got a tote bag!

I can’t even tell you how delightful it feels to buy a book and read it over a hot cup of coffee!

Shopping for Macarons at Ladurée on Champs Elysées

After visiting museums, I decided to do a little window shopping on Champs Elysées when I stumbled upon Ladurée!

Laduree 1

In addition to shopping at their Pastry Counter, you can dine at their fancy restaurant next door!

Laduree 2

I smell money.

The Pastry Counter

Ladurée offers a lot of pastries other than macarons, but obviously the little cookies are the bestsellers here!

Laduree 4

Laduree 3

Laduree 5

Laduree 6

Before arriving at the counter, you can grab a quick guide to all of the macaron flavors Laduree offers!

Before arriving at the counter, you can grab a quick guide to all of the macaron flavors Laduree offers!

What I Bought

Laduree 8

I feel like I just got a box at Tiffany’s. That’s how iconic Laduree’s logo and color is to me!

Laduree 9

In My Box of 8: Marie-Antoinette (citrus), Salted Caramel, Raspberry, Pistachio, Rose, Fleur d’Oranger (Orange Blossom), Chocolat Pure Origine Perou (Dark Chocolate), and Water Lily (seasonal special)

The Champs ElyséesArea

Champs Elysees

This street is a great place to go window shopping! I like Rue Saint Honoré too, but it is way more posh and a little intimidating at times. Well, I have my Ladurée and now, off to Sephora!