Bought a Book at Shakespeare and Company Bookstore

I visited Shakespeare and Company a few weeks ago, but when I arrived in Paris for the second time, I could not resist visiting this bookshop again!

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After a little visit to Notre Dame Cathedral again, I walked right here!

I did not bother to sneak photos of the shelves this time, but I was intent on walking out with a book! Season four of HBO’s Game of Thrones is in full swing around the world and it got me in the mood to continue reading the book series! After reading my own copy of the first book, I knew at some point I would buy A Clash of Kings. Since I was here, might as well by it at Shakespeare and Company!

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After purchasing my book, I had a nice breakfast at Paul over George R.R. Martin’s A Clash of Kings.

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All books purchased at Shakespeare and Company receives a special signature stamp!

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I also got a tote bag!

I can’t even tell you how delightful it feels to buy a book and read it over a hot cup of coffee!