A Very Sherlock Afternoon

With some of my free time today, a few friends and I decided to explore some of the most iconic pop culture locations of London’s famous detective!

First Stop


Guess where?

Believe it or not, BBC’s Sherlock filmed Baker Street on North Gower Street, literally right across from UCL!


This is seriously one of the places I most looked forward to visit since arriving at London!

Surprisingly, the street was relatively empty! Aside from the occasional passing tourist, we were basically the only ones there! If y’alls don’t know, I am in LOVE with BBC’s Sherlock and get super excited and nerdy when anyone mentions the show! I think I am partly responsible for most of the Sherlock viewers at my home institution.

BBC Sherlock Filming Location: Baker Street

BBC Sherlock Filming Location: North Gower Street

Last Stop

After a surprisingly short time at North Gower Street, we took the tube to 221B Baker Street!



That is actually the line to get into the museum…


Once we arrived, we saw the ridiculously long line and it was getting dark outside. On top of that, the cost to go in was 6 pounds (almost $11) just to see two tiny floors of old furniture and staged props. None of us wanted to wait for that, so we contented ourselves at the lovely gift shop.



I had way to much fun that day