Visting the Prague Metronome in Letna Park

Prague was once under Communist rule during Stalin’s reign. The location of today’s Prague Metronome used to hold a humungous statue of Stalin overlooking the city (which sounds slightly terrifying). Less than 10 years after the it was installed, the statue was removed and destroyed in 1962 by protesters. The site is still a well-visited one yet to get there, we first had to climb another hill!

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The top of that hill was where Stalin’s larger-than-life statue used to stand.

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A main telephone wire with hanging tennis shoes. This scene is on many postcards sold in the city.

The Prague Metronome

The Prague Metronome

The Prague Metronome is not an incredibly interesting attraction. The red hand just ticks back and forth, but the locals swear by the amazing views from Letna Park.

View of Charles Bridge from the top of the hill.

View of Charles Bridge from the top of the hill.

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The views were good. If only the trees did not block most of it.

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Annalisa and I decided to stop here to eat our sandwiches for lunch. Overall, I would not recommend visiting this park since there are plenty of nicer and cleaner parks around the city. This one is popular among young skateboarders, but it also means that it is graffiti-infested and not that clean.