Finally Time to Go Home to London

After our leisurely lunch in Old Town Square, Annalisa made our way to Prague International Airport, which marks the end of our 10-day journey in Europe. I confess that I am extremely excited to go home. I can’t wait to take a hot shower, do my laundry, and sleep in my own familiar bed!

Relaxing with a pint before our 1.5 hour flight back to London.

Relaxing with a pint before our 1.5 hour flight back to London.

I am so blessed to have traveled with such a great companion like Annalisa and I am so fortunate to have been given the opportunities to travel and really enjoy the culture and life in European cities! Now, time to go!

Ryan Air flights are really not all that bad. Maybe it helps being as short as me. I never have to worry about tight leg space!

Ryan Air flights are really not all that bad. Maybe it helps being as short as me. I never have to worry about tight leg space!

Finally Arrived Home! Time to pass out for now…