Watching Spamalot on West End

IFSA-Butler included a trip to see a West End production for our orientation! When I am finally settled at UCL, I hope to use my student ID to take advantage of other useful discounts for cheap West End tickets! I heard The Book of Mormon, Les Mis, and Lion King are in town!



Before curtain call!

Before curtain call! My seat was nearly at the front!

I’ve never seem Spamalot before, but it basically follows the plot of Monty Python and the Holy Grail! I love the movie and I think the play and music did the movie justice, but holy cow! The Lady of the Lake can SING!

The cast members were so talented and definitely had times where they edited their lines in their attempt to make their co-stars break character on stage (many were successful)!


Someone from our program was selected from the audience to join the Spamalot cast on stage to finish their quest for the Holy Grail!

I was thoroughly surprised at how the play interacted with the audience! As you can tell with the photo, without giving away the plot, they do eventually invite an audience member for a photo with the cast using their polaroid camera (as well as a take-home can of Spam)!

Overall, I would highly recommend anyone with a good sense of humor to see this play! I haven’t felt so relaxed since I arrived!

Dinner at L’Ulivo Before Watching Spamalot

The end of our official tour led us right to the theater showing tonight’s showing of Spamalot in West End!  


Since we had enough time, a few of us decided to stop by L’Ulivo, a surprisingly good Italian restaurant almost a block away from the theater.


Spaghetti marinara with olives and anchovies

Given the location of the restaurant, for under 10 pounds, we received American-sized portions of yummy pasta, which are rare in London! The walking tour left us all starving so everyone finished their plates clean before heading over to enjoy the West End production of Spamalot!