Drinks at Tom Cribb Pub Near Leicester Square

We were walking back from Trafalagar Square when it began pouring rain on us! We’ve been wanting to explore a bar that night, but the rain forced us to duck into the first shop we saw. I’ve never been so pleased with such a serendipitous adventure at Tom Cribb Pub near Leicester Square!


Tom Cribb is a tiny, rustic bar with a maximum occupancy of around 20 guests.  I think our soaking group took the bartender by surprise, but he seemed more than happy to serve us (without carding). For the next two hours, we spent the time getting to know each other over some lovely drinks.

Yours truly making friends at the pub!

Yours truly making friends at the pub over half a pint of Guinness!



I never had Bulmer's cider, but it was the most amazing drink I had in recent memory!

I never had Bulmer’s cider, but it was the most amazing drink I had in recent memory!

Our photographer of the night!

Our photographer of the night! I let her go crazy with my camera!

I am frankly surprised at how well I am orienting myself in the city! I feel very comfortable with the geography of the West End and have been deemed by the group at everyone’s city navigator (quite contrary to how I usually am)! The London map takes some time to get used to, but I’ve never been happier taking a walk around the city with new friends!